Saturday, May 16, 2009


"The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."
Vince Lombardi

So many of us have a fear of not being perfect. We think it's a public disgrace if we are seen making a mistake. We are terrified of making a mistake. Sometimes we are so scared that we will make a mistake that we never even get started. In fact, never getting started is the only way to guarantee you won't make a mistake. You'll be perfect, but you'll be a perfect zero.

We have this mistaken idea that we are not supposed to make mistakes, to have setbacks, to have anything at all go wrong. We think that failures are permanent. We don't understand that making mistakes is part of the human condition. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone falls. We forget how many times we fell down when we were learning to walk. If we had waited until we were sure we'd never fall, we'd still be crawling around.

We look at successful people and they make whatever they're doing look so easy that we assume they never made any mistakes. We forget that they only get that way after a long time of trial and error, of making mistakes, falling down and then getting back up. We forget that we only see them after they have mastered their craft.

In fact, the one thing that seperates those who wish they could master their craft and those who actually did. is that successful people get up after they fall. They dust themselves off and keep going. They treat mistakes as inevitable but helpful teachers, instead of being afraid of them. They learn what they can, forgive themselves, and let it go. Never quit because you have fallen. Rise after you have fallen often enough and you will get to the state where you don't fall any more.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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