Friday, May 29, 2009


"One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everything every night before going to bed."
Bernard Baruch

One of the hardest things we ever have to do is to forgive someone who has hurt us. We feel that it's only fair that if they hurt us, then they should be hurt back so that they know what it feels like. The problem with that logic is that everyone in the world knows what it feels like to be hurt. It's part of the human condition. And the truth is that if they didn't know hurt, they wouldn't have any interest in hurting you.

Whenever you feel hurt by what someone else has done to you, you carry around that hurt like a little raincloud inside you. It rains on your parade, ruining any otherwise nice experience of life you have. Being mad at whoever has hurt you only hurts one person- you. The other person doesn't know how mad you are at them, and typically doesn't care. And if you actually do strike back at them, all you've succeeded in doing is lowering your self-respect, and hurting two people instead of one.

Successful people always forgive all their hurts and disappointments. It might help to remember that you are doing it for you, and not for them. You want to be able to take that bad energy of anger and resentment and redirect it towards positive action towards your own goals. Also remember that negative angry energy, only ensures that you will attract more negative angry situations into your life. Remember that the past is over and done with, and you can't change it. You need to focus all your energy in the present in order to create a better future. When you forgive, you will feel lighter, stronger, and more free. You will be healthier, feel happier, and you will be more successful.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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