Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"I enjoy every opportunity and live every moment. And that is why I have no regrets. It's when you are not scared of losing that you win everything."
Shailendra Singh

How often do you regret doing something in the past that turned out to have unsatisfactory results, or not doing something that you feel you "should" have done in order to get the results you wanted. We waste an enormous amount of time wishing that we could change the past. If only we could do it over again, knowing what we know now. But we can't. The past is over with and can't be changed.

But there's no reason to regret what happened in the past anyway, except when we failed to learn any lessons from it. Regret comes from the illusion that we could have done things better in the past; but if we could have, we would have. The only way not to have mistakes, setbacks and failures is to never do anything, and success (and happiness) can't possibly come from that. If you don't live every moment, because you are afraid of doing something that you will regret later, you don't have a real life. You can't be so afraid of losing that you are unwilling to try.

What's the worst thing that can happen? There are valuable lessons to be learned, even if the worst comes to the worst; and learning these makes it much more likely that you'll get better results next time. There always is a next time. Have no regrets. Make sure you learn what you need to whenever you have not got the results from your actions that you wanted to, and never give up. Learn what you can, dust yourself off, and get back up on that horse and keep riding. Don't waste your valuable time regretting what might have been if only.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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