Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
Susan Ertz

I think it's safe to say that we all fear death. Perhaps we are really afraid that we will die a violent death, or die of some terrible disease that leaves us in a lot of pain. We all hope that we will die peacefully at home surrounded by our love ones, but we don't really expect to. That doesn't seem to happen to the people around us very often. Especially when we are surrounded by images of violent deaths that are supposed to somehow entertain us.

But we often say that we are afraid of dying before we have been able to do everything we wanted to do with our life. There seems to be so many great opportunities out there that we would love to take part in. We want to travel all over the world. We want to become rich and famous. We want to reach the pinnacle of our favorite sport or hobby. We want to write a book. We want to live by the sea. We always want to live a life that is better than the one we have now, to obtain those things that we don't yet have.

Yet, there are so many of us who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We have no idea how to enjoy the things that we already have today. We don't know how to occupy ourselves with whatever surrounds us right now.
We don't appreciate the possibilities available even when we're "stuck at home".
We forget that life is what is going on right here, right now. If we don't know what to do with ourselves right now, then what kind of a future are we building? We're never going to do all those things we wanted to do before we die, unless we learn to take action to enjoy whatever surrounds us in the moment, no matter what the moment brings us.

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