Monday, May 4, 2009


"Be mindful of how you approach time. Watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun rise."
Sophia Bedford-Pierce

When we are watching the clock, we are anxious. We are wanting to get away from where we are right now, because we think that something better is in store for us. We are not satisfied with what is going on around us at the present moment. The other possibility is that we are watching the clock because we want to hold onto the present moment for as long as possible, because we are afraid of what might happen in the future.

When we are watching the sun rise, we are content. We are aware of our surroundings in the present moment, and are grateful for the beauty we see in the colors and shapes of the clouds. We may even be grateful for the new day, another day to learn, grow, and enjoy life. We are not interested in the clock, in how much time goes by before we return to doing something else. We are not interested in what has happened in the past, or in what should be done in the future. The present moment is all that matters.

How do you spend your time? Are you counting the hours to something; focusing on what is likely to be happening in the future, or on what you think you must get done by a certain time in order to be happy? Are you comparing the future and the past, either afraid that the future will be worse than the past or hoping it will be better? Or are you enjoying experiencing the beauty that surrounds you in the present moment, so that clocks and time are irrelevant. It is this second option that will make you happy, and the happier you are, the more successful you will be.

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