Sunday, May 9, 2010


There is certainly no absolute standard of beauty. That precisely is what makes its pursuit so interesting.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Just what is really beautiful? We all have our opinions. The truth is that beauty is an opinion, not a fact. There is no absolute standard of beauty. What I think is beautiful, you might think is hideous. Frequently what's in fashion is what I think is of no appeal to me at all. How often has someone you know raved about how wonderful something is and you can't imagine what on earth he sees in it?

In a way, it is unfortunate that there is no absolute standard of beauty. Since we don't all appreciate the same things, that means that you might be motivated to get rid of something I want to keep and enjoy. But there is a bright side to that too. If you think that I am not beautiful, that doesn't mean that nobody will. Because everyone has their own opinions of what is beautiful, someone somewhere will find me beautiful. It won't be everyone. But there will be someone.

It is interesting to pursue beauty. We are all searching for something beautiful. What is beautiful to us is a reflection of our beleifs, attitudes, and values; and that is why it is a personal opinion and not an absolute. In fact, what we find beautiful can tell us a great deal about ourselves. It has a lot to teach us about who we are. What do you find beautiful? Ask yourself what that says about you. You might learn a lot.

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