Monday, May 3, 2010


We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.-- Tom Robbins

We dream of the perfect lover. The knight in shining armour who will slay all our dragons. The hero on the movie screen who will sweep us off our feet and carry us off into the sunset. Marilyn Monroe. A fantasy partner who thinks we are the most wonderful thing in the world and will never get upset at anything we say or do. The list goes on. We want a lover who is stunningly beautiful, beleives the same things we do, never gets tired of listening to us talk, and who has no bad habits. But we also know from experience that this kind of person is pretty difficult to find in real life.

Why waste time looking for the perfect lover. Nobody is perfect. Perfect people only exist in the stories and on the movie screen. Real people have annoying habits. They are not often stunningly physically beautiful. They do get tired of listening to us talk because they want to talk about themselves sometimes too. They know we are not the most wonderful thing in the world; they have their own life without us too. They often get upset or annoyed at what we do, because we have our own bad habits too. But all of that is just part of being human.

Create the perfect love. My favorite Peanuts cartoon is when Charlie Brown finds the little red-headed girl's pencil and in a state of absolute reverence he beams "She nibbles on her pencil. SHE'S HUMAN!" Wouldn't it be nice if we could look at people this way more often? What if we loved everyone like that? People are not going to be perfect; so instead of wishing they were, it is much more constructive to love them for who they are, in all their imperfect human glory. We can all create the perfect love. It just is a matter of attitude and changing what you are looking for in someone.

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