Saturday, May 8, 2010


There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness. Franz Kafka

Impatience is a sin that is rampant in our society. We want things yesterday. We have grown to be accustomed to the idea that we should be able to get things right away. We get irritated if we have to wait more than 5 minutes for our fast-food hamburger. If it takes a long time for us to receive something we want, we just assume that there is some problem somewhere. But often there is no problem other than our own attitude.

One reason why things take a long time to come is because we aren't willing to do any work to get it. We have come to beleive that things should be handed to us on a silver platter. Preferably free. In all fairness, sometimes we simply don't know what work needs to be done, but many of us are simply lazy. We don't like to hear that about ourselves but underneath we know it's true. We also know underneath that other people aren't likely to just give us what we really want. They're too busy looking after themselves, as they should be.

Often we are so impatient to get what we want that we think that doing any work towards acheiving a goal will just take too long. We don't want to wait for our efforts to pay off; we want it now. Impatience and laziness are related. Both imply a false sense of our own importance, good for our ego but not for us. Impatience and laziness just get other people annoyed so they are not likely to help you get what you want either.

If you want to be truly successful, it is imperative that you are patient and that you are willing to take whatever actions are required. Success does not come overnight, and usually not without several failures first. And it does not come without hard and often unpleasant work. That's the reality of it. But the harder the battle is, and the longer you had to wait, the sweeter the success is.

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