Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Never rest on your laurels nor dwell on your failures. Rather, start over; begin anew in each golden moment of Now.
Neale Donald Walsch

The only thing that we can be certain of, other than death, is that everything will change. Change is to be expected, but not feared. It is necessary to keep our lives interesting and ourselves learning and growing. It is the antidote of boredom. It allows us new opportunities even as it creates new challenges. Most importantly it teaches us to be flexible. But so many people fear change because it takes them out of their comfort zone.

One good thing about change is that whatever bad situation you are in right now will change soon too. It is of course in large part up to you whether it gets better or worse, but even if it gets worse that might open up a way for you to improve things. Just because you failed once doesn't mean you will always fail. Don't dwell on your failures, you will soon be given a new opportunity to try again and you want to be ready for that.

The same is true of your successes too though. There will soon be different circumstances which may change the meaning and importance of whatever successes you have had. Don't rest on your laurels, because new circumstances will mean that there are new goals to be set and successes to create. Seize the day, and the opportunities that will come with new circumstances if only we are watching for them. We are not meant to have one success, and then decide that is good enough. We are meant for greater and greater successes as we climb the ladder to reaching our potential.

Start over; begin anew in each golden moment of Now. Whatever happened, success or failure, is now in the past and "out of our hands". We need to take the new circumstances that are going on around us right now and start again utilizing that to create a new success, either from scratch or from out of the pieces of our previous failures. Now is all we have to actively work with to build a brighter future. And it is important to remember that what is now is not the same as whatever was in the past.

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