Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Count not what is lost; only, what is left.
Old Chinese Proverb

How often we dwell in regret at the opportunities we missed and the chances we didn't take. We regret the "stupid" things we did that caused us to lose money or time or something else. And especially we regret not having those things we loved that are now no longer with us. We focus on what is missing in our lives, on the gap between what we want and what we now have. And because we are focused on the size of the gap, it widens.

Regret is pointless. As the saying goes "There's no use crying over spilt milk". We can't change the past. We can only pick up the pieces of what's left and go on from here. Our focus should always be on the future. If we can change our viewpoint and focus on what we still have right now, and how we can utilize that, that will expand in our life; we will have more to work with. There are always opportunities. No matter how much money etc we have lost previously with our "stupid" actions, we can always get it back.

If we focus on and appreciate what we have right now, no matter how little we have left; we will be in a position to take advantage of the next opportunity that arises. We will have the necessary tools to work with. Everyone starts small, with what they have available to them right now, and works up from that. Those who succeed know and appreciate what they have available to begin with. They know that they have everything they need to get started, and that they can just take it from there. They never dwell on what they don't have. They count what is left to them, and are grateful for the opportunities those things provide.

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