Friday, May 14, 2010


"When you come to the end of all the light you know, and its time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly"
Edward Teller

Faith is a very difficult thing to acquire. We always want to know exactly what will happen in the future if we do or don't do this particular thing. Fortune tellers have always been popular. We feel very uncomfortable if we don't have a clear directive as to the best direction for us to take, including an explanation why. Many of us are really afraid of taking risks and failing, since we can't tolerate the idea of making a mistake and doing the wrong thing.

But those of us who develop the courage to start taking risks gradually come to understand that most of the time we are successful. We can start to develop faith. We begin to understand that the Universe wants us to succeed. And we also understand that if we don't take that leap of faith and take a risk, then that is a way to guarantee failure. We can't possibly know all the pros and cons of every action we are considering taking, and figuring them out is often so overwhelming that most of us who try to do that don't get around to taking the action.

It is comforting to know that if we are willing to take the risk of stepping into the unknown, the Universe will make sure that we will safely succeed. Perhaps we will be given something to stand on, some source of security that we never expected. Maybe someone else will suddenly show up to help us, or maybe we will discover some object which turns out to be just what we need. But if that doesn't happen, then we will be taught to fly. We will learn how to navigate this new and mysterious situation, and how to find what we want within it. Have faith in yourself and in the Universe. We were meant to take risks and reap the rewards, and we need that faith to do it.

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