Friday, May 21, 2010


Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
Mary Kay

We all know what we can't do. Or at least we think we do. We try to do something, make a mistake and fail, and then just assume that it is something we can't do. We assume that if we can't do it now, then we will never be able to do it. We give up on it. We build long lists of things that we can't do. We go around telling everyone "I can't"; even if it really means "I don't want to", but we are continually reminding ourselves of our inadequacy this way.

We never really know what we can't do. And even if we can't do it today, we may be able to do it tomorrow. The classic case of course is the woman who lifts the car to save her child when the next day she wouldn't be able to comprehend how she could ever have done that. Circumstances change, and we adapt to them. We have a much greater capacity within us to acheive our goals than we would ever realize unless we really needed to use it. When we really want to do something, we can do it even when other people would say it's impossible.

If a bumblebee thinks it can fly, it does. The same goes for us. It is only our beleifs about our inabilities that stop us from acheiving our goals. We will do what we need to do in order to get where we want to be as long as we don't know that we can't. Faith is everything. We need to have more faith in our capabilities, and less in our inabilities. We definately have the capacity to surprise ourselves with our capabilities. Never assume that you can't. You'll be amazed at what you really can do if you are motivated to do it strongly enough.

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