Thursday, May 27, 2010


Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more
Anthony Robbins

We seldom really think of life as a gift; instead we go around thinking that we are somehow entitled to it. Often we think that life owes us something; instead of the other way round. We just take our life for granted, and even when we see life cut short for other people, we assume that it will never happen to us. We don't appreciate our life as the wonderful, fragile thing it really is. It really is a gift that we are very lucky to have. It deserves much more gratitude and respect than we normally give it.

We often wonder what the purpose of life is, and why we were put here. I beleive we were put here not just for our own learning and growing, but to help other people learn and grow as well. After all, as they say "two heads are better than one". Each of us has our own unique strengths that other people need for their own growth. Just like with all freedoms, our life comes with a responsibility; to do what we can to try to improve the lives of other people, and ultimately it will come round to improving our own life too.

It is a privilege and an opportunity for us to help others. It is only our own Ego that stops us from seeing this, because it is ignorant. The truth is that helping others feels good and also helps us with our own growth. We are all connected with each other and whatever we do for others always in some form comes back to us at some time. And the more we learn and grow in this way, the more we are capable of helping others. It is an upward spiral. It is what makes life meaningful, and truly enjoyable.

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