Wednesday, June 24, 2009


"If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it."
Mary Engelbreit

As Eckhart Tolle says, there are really only three sane choices you have when you run across something you don't want. You can run away from it; leave the situation if that is possible. That is how some people deal with unwanted things by habit. They escape either physically or mentally (by distracting themselves with drugs, food, TV, or whatever else they can find). But physical escape is sometimes impossible, and mental escape is undesirable because it often leads to addictions, often to unhealthy substances.

The second choice is to change something by either taking action, or by speaking out. This is usually the best option if it is possible, but often it is not possible for you to change what is there. Sometimes you have no say in the matter, and nothing you can do will make a difference to it. And if you can't change whatever it is that you don't like, and can't run away from it, there is only one other option.

The only other sane choice you have is to accept the situation. Of course most of us at typically choose to complain and blame, but that is not a sane choice because it just makes you into a victim. You must change the way you think about a situation. Ask yourself what you can learn from it. Realize that it is there to teach you something about yourself. Find the hidden opportunity. Turn lemons into lemonade. That's the best way to deal with things you don't like and can't do anything about.

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