Friday, June 26, 2009


"Focus your messages on the results you expect, not on the methods for doing the job."
Marty Brounstein

We are often not very good at delegating. We think that our way of doing the job is the only way, so we make sure that the person doing the job is told to do it our way. We try to micromanage them. And we learn the hard way, that this does not end up producing the best job possible. People don't like to be told what to do. They feel that their intelligence is insulted, that you think that they are too stupid to figure out how to do the job themselves. They feel that you can't trust them to do a good job. And they resent that you have decided that your way of doing things is (automatically) better than theirs.

We learn that the best thing to do is to tell people what result we want and let them figure out the best way to do it. After all, your way might be too difficult or inefficient for them whereas they could figure out a way to do it that works much better for them. We also find that if we let them come up with their own way of obtaining the results they want, they will be much more committed to the process. They will be challenged to come up with the best method for doing it that they can, and thus they will do the best job they can.

There is a parallel here with the Universe working to do the job that you want it to. We aren't good at delegating this either. We are constantly trying to figure out how the Universe is supposed to do it's job. We have forgotten the value of just telling the Universe what result we want and letting it figure out how to do the job best. When we learn to delegate properly the job we want done, it will be done in the best possible way; probably much better than any way you could have thought of.

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