Sunday, June 28, 2009


" There is no way around it. You absolutely must have fun. Without fun, there is no enthusiasm. Without enthusiasm, there is no energy. Without energy, there are only shades of gray."
Doug Hall

Are we having fun yet? Do you even know how to have fun? Some of us are so removed from fun that we don't even know how to have fun any more. We are so concerned about doing our work and fulfilling the expectations of the people around us. We are concerned with being "good". Our life has become a daily grind of doing what other people want us to do in the way that they want it done. We complain about not getting to do what we want, and we feel like victims.

But it doesn't have to be that way. The Oxford dictionary defines fun as something that is not serious. To me, this is what makes fun so important. It means that you can relax and experiment with different things safely. Fun is the act of discovering your capabilities, of learning that you have capabilities you didn't know you had. It is the significant part of play because the purpose of playing is to learn a lot about yourself in a situation where making a mistake is not a matter of life-and-death. Play is not just for children, and neither should having fun be.

We all need to find time to play and to have fun. We were put on earth to learn and grow and playing allows us to do that safely and without risk. Life is not worth living if we never get to find out that we can do more than we thought we could and how to do things even better. It is just existing, without enthusiasm, excitement, and energy. Without fun, there is no energy, and without energy, life has no color but only shades of grey.

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