Thursday, June 25, 2009

Team Work

"The important thing to recognize is that it takes a team, and the team ought to get credit for the wins and the losses. Successes have many fathers, failures have none."

Philip Caldwell

We often assume that we should be able to be successful all by ourselves. Independance is valued very much in our society. Americans should be able to "pull themselves up by their bootstraps". We should not rely on handouts from the government. Well, this isn't entirely true. One person just can't be everything to everyone. Too many different personality traits are needed. Really successful people always have a team of people behind them, helping them.

If someone wants to run a business for example, in order to do that they would need both to be able to come up with lots of great ideas all the time and also be able to make solid practical plans about how to implement them. Few people have both those skills, so most successful companies are actually partnerships. Each partner covers the weaknesses of the other. There are many ways of course for the strength of one partner to compensate for the weakness of the other.

The other problem with trying to do everything by yourself is that you simply can't know everything. It is enormously beneficial to have a group of people with different experience and areas of expertise to advise you when you aren't quite sure about how to proceed. This is what a mastermind group is.
Sometimes you can even just think about one or more great person and ask what they would have done in your situation. A classic example of this is "What would Jesus do?"

The truth is that we all depend on other people for all the successes in our life, much as we would like to beleive that we did it all by ourselves. The man who makes a successful parachute jump must thank the man who packed the parachute in the plane. We don't do anything completely by ourselves so whenever possible we must acknowledge the people who helped us. And if we want to be really successful, we must purposely gather a team of people around us who can really help us get the job done.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

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