Monday, June 15, 2009


"We can learn a lot from trees: they're always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward."
Everett Mamor

It's always fascinating to watch a movie of a plant's growth that is speeded up. Plants are always opening up and reaching for the sun. That reminds me of those daisys that you can see actually following the sun as it moves across the sky too. Their face is always turned towards the sun. But trees are the most impressive plants of all. They grow so tall, and never stop reaching heavenwards.

But plants are always grounded too. The root systems of trees are often as big or bigger than their branches. They can stretch out for miles. For a tree, what's under the ground is just as important to their survival as the sun is. They know that the earth is where all their nutrients come from, and they take advantage of that as much as possible.

What lessons can we learn from this. We can always reach for the heavens too; searching for a higher meaning (God) in our life. It is where our spiritual body gets what it needs for life. At the same time, we must remain grounded because the earth is where our physical body gets what it needs to survive. We must never lose sight of the fact that we operate in a physical world and our physical body has real practical needs that are very different from the needs of our mind and spirit. Like the tree, we must stay grounded in the physical world, even while striving to reach towards the higher meaning in life that nourishes our mind and spirit. We must learn to live in both worlds at the same time.

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