Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"Don't discard your fantasies as merely wishful thinking. Honor them as messages from the deepest part of your being about what you can do and directions you can choose."
Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

We learn early on that daydreaming is a waste of time. We are told that we need to be practical. If we don't see how we are going to accomplish something, it is not worth thinking about. We need to focus on solving our problems and planning for an expected future. There's too much to do to waste our time just imagining.

But daydreaming isn't just for small children. We are never given the desire for something without the means to fulfill it. Just because we don't know right now how to accomplish something doesn't mean that we can never accomplish it. We are always learning and growing, at least if we are really living. And things change all the time. What was impossible yesterday may be very possible tomorrow.

Don't discard your fantasies as merely wishful thinking. If you really want something, and can determine how to take even the smallest step to move towards it, then your fantasies become goals and if you continue to keep and treasure them, eventually realities. They are messages from the deepest part of your being about what you can do and directions you can choose. They are what gives your life meaning, direction, and hope.

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