Tuesday, June 9, 2009


"As long as you don't forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in your mind."
Isabelle Holland

How often do we dwell on what other people did or didn't do to us? We keep coming back to it and reminding ourselves of it. How often do we assume that they did it on purpose? We think we know what their intentions were but nobody can read someone else's mind. They might have done it not realizing that it would bother you, or because that's what they're used to doing, or for some other reason that has nothing to do with you. The worst thing of all is when we refuse to talk to the person again. We never give ourselves a chance to find out what they were really thinking and to forgive them.

When we forgive someone, we are doing ourselves a favor. The other person has already forgotten the incident and gone on their merry way. Unless they are very close to you and may have to deal with your angry moods, it doesn't make any difference to them whether you forgive them or not. The only person who really suffers when you fail to forgive someone is you yourself.

As long as you don't forgive, who and whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in your mind. Every time you remember the incident, it will bring you pain. Over and over. And every time you remember the incident, it prevents you from being happy. It keeps you in the past, and prevents you from concentrating on what you are going to do in the present. And the space it takes up in your mind is that much less space for loving, happy, constructive thoughts. The more you don't forgive, the less you will be able to happily move on and succeed in reaching your goals.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit http://www.reachingmypotential.com

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