Saturday, June 27, 2009


"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Neale Donald Walsch

We are so afraid of stepping outside our comfort zone. Indeed our brain trys to make sure we don't by sending us warning signals in feelings of fear or anxiety, or a "nervous stomach". Of course, it is just trying to protect us from doing something dangerous by asking us to think carefully about what we are doing first. But we almost always treat those warning signals as a reason not do anything differently from what we are used to.

We want to be comfortable, secure in our knowledge that things will work out because they always have worked out. Of course the only time this happens is when you are doing the same things you always did, and even then it only happens if the circumstances are the same as the last time you did it. That's not very often. The truth is that we can never guarantee for very long that things will work out.

In real life circumstances are always changing, and if we are to keep on being successful our actions need to change as they do. If we insist on staying in our comfort zone and doing the things that always used to work, we will soon be swept up by the tides of change, unable to adapt. All kinds of businesses have failed because they didn't adapt to new markets and new technologies. They stayed in their comfort zone and they paid the price.

It is essential to get over our fear of the unknown. The only way to do this is to actually face our fears and take action anyway. Your comfort zone is a prison with gilded walls. You are stuck, not being able to do anything about your fears because you are afraid to do something new and different. We must get used to being uncomfortable if we are to truly live. To stay comfortable is not only to never learn and grow, it is to fail and die.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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