Saturday, June 20, 2009


Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
Robert Louis Stevenson

We are always eager to get something. We judge our success by the things we can acquire for ourselves. We see success as having the fancy car, the great mansion, the exotic vacations, the prestigious job. But this is our ego speaking. Our ego strives to have more than the next person, to stand out from the next person, to be better than the next person. All of that requires being seperate from the next person. It requires being in competition with him.

What if we defined success differently. What if we defined success as being connected to the next person. What if success involved working cooperatively with him. This would allow us to ultimately acheive something that neither of us could have acheived by ourselves. What if success was defined as giving to others or to the world. We could see it as a measure of what we gave instead of what we got.

When you define success as a measure of what you got, you run into problems because anything you get is under the control of other people, not you. But anything you give is completely under your own control. You can only be successful through getting things if other people decide you are worthy. But you can be successful through giving things any time you want. When you define success as giving then there is no limits to your success.

Choose to judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant. It is the seeds you plant, by giving to others, that determine the size of your ultimate harvest, the things you get.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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