Saturday, June 6, 2009


"The universe doesn't recognize the difference between small goals and big ones, it responds to your emotion and intent."
Peggy McColl

Sometimes we are more comfortable with setting small goals than big ones. The small ones seem more beleivable to us, more likely to be fulfilled. It's easier for us to imagine winning the local competition than winning the Olympic gold medal. It's easier for us to picture having our own home, if we rent, than having a million dollar mansion by the sea. But that is only our own view of things. The universe sees things differently.

The universe responds to your emotions. It judges the validity of your goals by how much you want them. If you are as excited about getting an Olympic gold medal as you are about winning the local competition, then you will acheive both those goals. If you are not excited about acheiving your goals, it will assume that you are just wishing and not taking your goal seriously.

The universe responds to your intent. It judges the importance of your goals by whether you intend to acheive them or not. If you don't intend to acheive your goals then you are not taking them seriously so the universe can't either. If you intend to get that Olympic gold medal you will. But if you don't intend to do everything you can to win that local competition, you won't.

The universe doesn't recognize the difference between small goals and big ones, it responds to your emotion and intent. You can acheive a big goal just as easily as a small one as long as you really want it, are excited about getting it, and intend to do everything you can to get it. Dream big.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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