Monday, June 29, 2009


"A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action. If there's no action, you haven't truly decided."
Tony Robbins

There are a variety of ways that people go about making a decision. Some of us make a quick decision and take action on a new situation right away. Some of us think we need more information. Some of us make a decision; but hesitate because we aren't quite sure it is indeed the best one. Some of us don't have faith in our ability to make wise choices. Some of us leave the decision up to somebody else; waiting for someone to tell us what to do. Some of us avoid the question by just continuing to do the same thing as they did before.

We are continually making choices and decisions. We are continually deciding what to do next. If we don't decide, or if we leave the decision up to someone else, that too is a choice we have made. If we decide to do nothing at all, that is a choice. But those choices are not good, productive choices. A real decision is followed by a real action. An unsure decision is followed by a tentative action. And a non-decision is follwed by no action.

Only a real decision leads to eventual success. Success requires you to take a new action, to do something differently. You may know what you need to do in order to succeed, and so think you have decided what you will do. But untill you actually do it, you haven't really decided. You haven't committed yourself to change. To know what to do isn't enough. In order to succeed, you must actually take a new action so that the Universe knows that you have decided that you want to be successful and this is how you might go about it. Once you have done your part by making a decision and taking action towards what you want, the Universe will do it's part and give you your success.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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