Saturday, June 13, 2009


"In every success story, you find someone who has made a courageous decision."
Peter F. Drucker

What this quote really says is that in order to be successful, you have to conquer a fear. Of course one of the biggest fears we have is the fear of success itself. We are afraid that if we are successful we won't be able to cope with the new responsbilities it brings, and with the higher expectations of the people around us. You won't be successful until you make a courageous decision that you will handle whatever success brings.

We may also have the fear of failure. This prevents us from doing the things we know we need to do in order to be successful. We are afraid of finding out that we can't be successful, so we don't try. We think that if we try and fail, that that's the end of it. But every successful person has failed at least once. You simply don't get success right away. That's not how it works. If it did, you'd never appreciate your success.

"In every success story, you find someone who has made a courageous decision. They decided to ignore their fear of success, and their fear of failure. They decided that fear, or anything else, was not going to stop them. It's not easy facing your fears and plowing ahead anyway. But that's what it takes.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

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