Monday, August 11, 2008


Great crises produce great men and great deeds of courage."
John F. Kennedy

Is your idea of a perfect world one in which everything goes smoothly and there are no problems ever?It sure sounds nice. In theory. But problems and difficulties have a very important place in our lives. For one thing, they are an inevitable result of having choices. The book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry gives a fascinating account of a future world where there is no pain or suffering because the people have no choices (everything is taken care of for them), and what the hidden costs of that are. It makes one truly glad that we have the choice to make mistakes.

The truth is that people cannot grow if they are not challenged. And they are not challenged if everything goes smoothly for them. If nothing bad ever happens to them, they never really learn what it is that they want, and they never appreciate it when good things happen. If they never experience a crisis, they never learn that they can deal with problems, that they can rely on themselves. They never learn how to deal with it when things don't go their way. They never learn to develop their creativity or intuition because they never have to.

Next time you come up against a problem, be grateful for it. It is making you a better person. Great crises really do produce great men and great deeds.

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