Sunday, May 31, 2009


"Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish."

Taking action is so important. Many of us procrastinate until the window of opportunity has almost closed; and some of us are so afraid of failure, or even success, that we never get started at all. Very occasionally, you can get what you want if you just constantly focus on it and visualize it, but it's not wise to plan on that. People who are successful are generally those who consistently take action until they get what they want.

In general, the more action you take, the more successful you are. It is only when you are out there taking action, that the Universe knows that you are serious about getting what you want so it is more inclined to bring you the resources and opportunities you need in order to be successful. It is also true that the more you take action the more you will make mistakes; and that is a good thing because the more mistakes you make the more you will learn about what doesn't work and that narrows down the possibilities of what will work.

One important thing though, is that you can't just take action. You need to take action in a variety of different ways, experimenting with different things. Diversity of action is essential, and not just because it will help you make more mistakes so you learn more about what doesn't work and narrow down the possibilities of what does work. When you're "fishing" for a certain result, and you cast your hook into many different ponds, you're more likely to find what you're looking for than you would if you only cast your hook into one pond. As the saying goes "Never put all your eggs into one basket". Even when an action seems unlikely to produce the result you want, you'll never know for sure until you try it. In the pool where you least expect it, will be fish.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Saturday, May 30, 2009


"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."
Maya Angelou

Most of us think that success means having a fleet of fancy cars, a waterfront mansion, and lots of money in the bank. Or we see success as being idolized by an ever-growing group of fans. Or having a prestigious job. We think that success is characterized by having a lot of something, whether love or money. We think that success is characterized by standing out from everyone else, being special in some way. But that's really now what success is about.

Many millionaires, many very popular entertainers, many people with prestigious jobs, are not happy at all. Many have even commited suicide. You can't have real success if you are not happy and content. You can't have real success if you are not doing whatever it is that you really want to do, not because it will make you wealthy or respected, but because you really value it and enjoy it.

You can't have success unless you love yourself. And you ultimately can't love yourself when you are living a lie, doing something that you don't really beleive in and is not meaningful to you. And you can't have success if you are doing something in a way that does not support your own values. The end is not always justified by the means. The goal is only justified by reaching it according to good moral principles, ones that you will feel good about yourself for doing.

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. Because of this, we all have an equal opportunity of being successful.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, May 29, 2009


"One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everything every night before going to bed."
Bernard Baruch

One of the hardest things we ever have to do is to forgive someone who has hurt us. We feel that it's only fair that if they hurt us, then they should be hurt back so that they know what it feels like. The problem with that logic is that everyone in the world knows what it feels like to be hurt. It's part of the human condition. And the truth is that if they didn't know hurt, they wouldn't have any interest in hurting you.

Whenever you feel hurt by what someone else has done to you, you carry around that hurt like a little raincloud inside you. It rains on your parade, ruining any otherwise nice experience of life you have. Being mad at whoever has hurt you only hurts one person- you. The other person doesn't know how mad you are at them, and typically doesn't care. And if you actually do strike back at them, all you've succeeded in doing is lowering your self-respect, and hurting two people instead of one.

Successful people always forgive all their hurts and disappointments. It might help to remember that you are doing it for you, and not for them. You want to be able to take that bad energy of anger and resentment and redirect it towards positive action towards your own goals. Also remember that negative angry energy, only ensures that you will attract more negative angry situations into your life. Remember that the past is over and done with, and you can't change it. You need to focus all your energy in the present in order to create a better future. When you forgive, you will feel lighter, stronger, and more free. You will be healthier, feel happier, and you will be more successful.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


"Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working."
Pablo Picasso

Inspiration is our intuition whispering to us. It is telling us what we need to do in order to acheive what we really want. Of course, many or most of us don't really consciously know what it is that we really want. But God always knows. God always knows the best way to acheive it too. And intuition is the way God communicates to us what we must do.

Most of us have felt inspired at least once, but we feel that it doesn't happen enough. Wouldn't it be great if it happened all day long. Then it would take a lot less time to get where we want to be. The first thing we need to do is to have a clear idea of what we want. There can be no direction if we don't even know where we are going. But clearly defined goals are not enough.

We must also be taking action to get there. It doesn't need to be the perfect plan, but if we are doing nothing then God is likely to think that we don't really care if we ever get there, that we have no motivation to succeed. In effect, we must help ourself if God will help us too. We need to show God that we are serious about what we want, that we really care, and God will only know that if we are taking some action to move towards our goals. Even if it is just slow baby steps, we need to be heading in the right direction. Inspiration must find us focusing on our goal and working towards it.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Definition of Success

The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had."
Proverbs 15:1 Bible (15th-16th century)
(First known English translation from the Latin)

Will you leave the world better than you found it? Perhaps that is the clearest indication of success. No matter what your talents or strengths are, there are so many ways to do that. The biggest satisfaction in anyone's life lies in creating something that will outlast him. It lies in accomplishing those goals which benefit others besides himself. We all dream of being remembered with gratitude by future generations. It is one of our soul's greatest desires.

If we can never fail to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, including that in other people, we will be inspired to create that something special. There is so much beauty and wonder in the world that most of us just don't even see. There is a temptation to assume that science can explain everything that leaves us feeling jaded and unimpressed by things. It is so much better to admire the colors and patterns of a beautiful sunset than to remember about deflection of light by airborne particles that explains it. Any painter that tries to paint the deflection of light is not going to come up with anything to inspire future generations. Enjoy the world around you. Look at it every day with the wonder of a child.

If we make the most use of all of our talents and abilities and give it all we got, our special creation will be that much better. Be committed to creating something that people will remember you well for.
Don't be afraid of the work involved, it really will be worth it in the end. Your life will have meant something. You will have been successfull.

For ideas about acheiving true success, visit

Sunday, May 24, 2009


"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek."
Joseph Campbell

How many things do we want to do, but don't do because we are afraid of getting bad results. Perhaps we are afraid that other people will laugh at us. Perhaps we feel that we somehow don't deserve to get good results so God, or other people, will withhold them from us. Perhaps we think that we are incapable of getting the results we want because we aren't skilled enough or learned enough or don't have adequate resources. But whatever the reason, we fail to go after those things we want because we are afraid of what might happen if we do.

Unfortunately, our fear keeps us from getting the results we want. We like to think that it is our circumstances that prevent us from getting them, but it is simply our thoughts about our circumstances that stop us from taking action. How many times have we finally done something we dreaded doing only to find out that there was no real reason to be afraid after all.

It is the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. If the treasure you seek was in some place easy for you to find then you would already have it. It is not anywhere in your comfort zone because if it were you would not change your life significantly and you would not value it so highly. We have often heard that the greater the risk, the greater the reward. The risk that is called for here is to step outside your comfort zone and go to unknown places, ones that you fear because you don't know them yet. To find your treasure you have to step into the unknown and face your fears.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, May 22, 2009


"Each indecision brings its own delays and days are lost lamenting over lost days... What you can do or think you can do, begin it. For boldness has magic, power, and genius in it."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you have trouble making up your mind. Many people do. Susan Jeffers quotes one of her students as saying "Sometimes I feel like the proverbial donkey between two bales of hay- unable to decide which one I want, and, in the meantime, starving to death." Sound familiar?

We are afraid of making the wrong decision, so that we don't get all the good stuff the right decision is supposed to bring us. We are afraid of making a mistake. We are afraid of not being perfect, and we are afraid we can't control the outcome of events. Once again, fear rears it's ugly head. It is actually possible, however, to change your thinking so that whatever decision you make, you can see the good in it.

Doubt has no place in the minds of successful people. They know what they want and they go for it. They are quick to make a decision and slow to change their minds. As soon as they have quickly done their due diligence, they get to work. They get in, seize the opportunity, while other people are still trying to decide whether it would be a smart thing to do.

Be bold. Seize the day. Make a decision and go for it. You'll be glad you did.

For ideas about how to be successful, visit

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Doing the Best

"My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life,
but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment."
Oprah Winfrey

We've all heard of vicious circles. How doing something bad only makes the situation worse so that you do something even worse next time. But we are so busy worrying about the possibility of ourselves getting into a vicious circle, that we forget that it works the other way too. How doing something good only makes the situation better so that you do something even better next time.

Our future certainly depends on what we do now. In order to get the results we want, we must be responsible for our life, and choose to do those things that support the results we desire. Not the results someone else desires, or the results we feel we deserve or that we must make do with. We don't have to "make do" with anything we don't want. And we deserve whatever we beleive we deserve, so it is best that we learn to beleive that we deserve whatever we want. We need to be running our own show, and take control over our own desires.

If you are to do the best at this moment, you must act in a way that is congruent with what you value. You must strive to do whatever action would make you feel good about yourself. And when you do the best at this moment, you will find the support and help to make your results from the next action even better; which will lead to more support and help in an upward spiral. Vicious circles do work the other way too.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are."
Kurt Cobain

Would you like to be someone else. Pretending to be someone else is a enormously popular activity at Halloween when that is publicly encouraged, so it undoubtedly lurks in our psyches the rest of the year waiting for the one day that it can be expressed safely. This begs the question: "Why would anyone want to be someone else?" It would seem that most of us are simply not happy being ourselves. Perhaps we feel that we are inadequate the way we are.

As Petula Clark sings "The other man's grass is always greener. The sun shines brighter on the other side." We tend to assume that someone else must be having a much better life than ours. We are fascinated with the lives of celebrities, obviously finding their lives much more interesting than our own. We think that without money and fame, our lives are trivial and dull. But that's not the case. Success isn't about money and fame; it involves being happy and improving the lives of other people in any way. This means we can all be successful just the way we are, as long as we are not longing to be someone else.

Wanting to be someone you're not is a waste of the person you are. When we are focused on how much better someone else's life is, we are not focused on how to make the best of who we are and our own lives. We can't control what other people do, but we can control our own lives. We can strive to fulfill our own promise, and the unique purpose God gave us. And that's all that really matters in life. That is what gives us what we really want, which is happiness.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009


"I enjoy every opportunity and live every moment. And that is why I have no regrets. It's when you are not scared of losing that you win everything."
Shailendra Singh

How often do you regret doing something in the past that turned out to have unsatisfactory results, or not doing something that you feel you "should" have done in order to get the results you wanted. We waste an enormous amount of time wishing that we could change the past. If only we could do it over again, knowing what we know now. But we can't. The past is over with and can't be changed.

But there's no reason to regret what happened in the past anyway, except when we failed to learn any lessons from it. Regret comes from the illusion that we could have done things better in the past; but if we could have, we would have. The only way not to have mistakes, setbacks and failures is to never do anything, and success (and happiness) can't possibly come from that. If you don't live every moment, because you are afraid of doing something that you will regret later, you don't have a real life. You can't be so afraid of losing that you are unwilling to try.

What's the worst thing that can happen? There are valuable lessons to be learned, even if the worst comes to the worst; and learning these makes it much more likely that you'll get better results next time. There always is a next time. Have no regrets. Make sure you learn what you need to whenever you have not got the results from your actions that you wanted to, and never give up. Learn what you can, dust yourself off, and get back up on that horse and keep riding. Don't waste your valuable time regretting what might have been if only.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Monday, May 18, 2009


"When a defining moment comes along, you can do one of two things. Define the moment, or let the moment define you."
Tin Cup

In all our lives, there are certain moments that can change everything. It may be when you meet the man or woman of your dreams. It may be when suddenly an opportunity comes up for you to get the job you always wanted. It may be when you encounter a person or situation that teaches you something very important about yourself or your life. What do you do when one of these moments happens?

One option is to let the moment define you. You can just go along with what it seems to be telling you about your not being good enough. When that opportunity for the perfect job comes along, for example, you might say to yourself "What's the use? I'll never get that job, Joe, and Susan, are much better at that kind of thing. Besides,I'm not sure I could handle the extra responsibility or whether I want the extra work". You are letting the moment prove to you what you thought you knew about yourself.

The other option is to define the moment. You can choose to let it teach you something new about yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone to take advantage of it. When that opportunity for the perfect job comes along, for example, you might say to yourself "I'm going to apply for that job now. Let's see if I really am the best candidate for the job. Let's see how good my skills really are. Let's see if I could handle the extra responsibility and the extra work. I beleive that I will discover that I can do all those things once I get the chance, and I will be happier for it"

Seize the day. When opportunities come along, take advantage of them right away. Success comes to those who define the moment, instead of letting the moment define them as someone not good enough.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Saturday, May 16, 2009


"The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall."
Vince Lombardi

So many of us have a fear of not being perfect. We think it's a public disgrace if we are seen making a mistake. We are terrified of making a mistake. Sometimes we are so scared that we will make a mistake that we never even get started. In fact, never getting started is the only way to guarantee you won't make a mistake. You'll be perfect, but you'll be a perfect zero.

We have this mistaken idea that we are not supposed to make mistakes, to have setbacks, to have anything at all go wrong. We think that failures are permanent. We don't understand that making mistakes is part of the human condition. Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone falls. We forget how many times we fell down when we were learning to walk. If we had waited until we were sure we'd never fall, we'd still be crawling around.

We look at successful people and they make whatever they're doing look so easy that we assume they never made any mistakes. We forget that they only get that way after a long time of trial and error, of making mistakes, falling down and then getting back up. We forget that we only see them after they have mastered their craft.

In fact, the one thing that seperates those who wish they could master their craft and those who actually did. is that successful people get up after they fall. They dust themselves off and keep going. They treat mistakes as inevitable but helpful teachers, instead of being afraid of them. They learn what they can, forgive themselves, and let it go. Never quit because you have fallen. Rise after you have fallen often enough and you will get to the state where you don't fall any more.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, May 15, 2009


"Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be."
Karen Ravn

We create our own limits, on growth, seeing, and being. We expect to accomplish a certain level of things in our life, and that's the level we accomplish. If I never reach for the stars, I will never get farther than the ground. If I never try, I will never succeed.

If I never look for something better, I will never find it. If I only expect life to continue the same as it always has done, I will never find anything new in lfe. If I never look for new and exciting opportunities for growth, if I don't know they are out there, then I will never see them. If I don't look past all the obstacles and frustrations to where those growth opportunities are hiding, then all I will see is obstacles and frustrations.

If I never dream of having a better life someday, I will never be any better than I am now. If I expect to continue living the same quality of life, that is what will happen. If I dream of becoming great, then I will be motivated to seek those growth opportunities, and look for them in unexpected places, and reach high for them. And the limits to my growth, seeing, and distance travelled will be raised enough to allow me to become the person I want to be and to have the better life I dreamed of.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Thursday, May 14, 2009


"The best thing we can do for ourselves and the people in our lives is to love them unconditionally, forgive them without reservation and to accept them exactly as they are."
Iyanla Vanzant

Do you love unconditionally? I beleive that most people never encounter unconditional love except when they are infants. When we get to be toddlers, we hear "Do this because it would make Mommy happy". Our parents expect us to live up to their idea of what they want us to be, and we learn how to treat others from the way they treat us. But this leads to resentment when people don't feel free to be who they want to be. We all want to be ourselves, and be loved for it.

Do you forgive without reservation? Most of us go through our lives attached to at least one person we haven't forgiven. We keep remembering the terrible thing they did to us, and probably reminding them of it too. Some of us simply stop talking to the other person, perhaps for many years. That's the worst thing you can do, for how can there be any explanation or discussion of what happened if nobody is talking. When you do discuss these things, you often find that they were an honest mistake or something the person didn't intend to do or to hurt you by doing it. Then you can forgive easily and both of you can move on to have a better relationship and/or do things that are more beneficial.

Do you accept people exactly as they are, faults and all? Most of us wish that the people in our lives would behave better. We wish our teenager would tidy up his room, our husband would take us to the movies more often, and our neighbour would be more quiet. But everyone has faults, that's part of being human; and their faults are part of their individuality.

Even if you love other people unconditionally, forgive them without reservation, and accept them exactly as they are, you must apply this to yourself too. After all, you are just as deserving and worthy as they are. Do this for both yourself and for the people around you. That way everyone wins.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


"Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon."
Susan Ertz

I think it's safe to say that we all fear death. Perhaps we are really afraid that we will die a violent death, or die of some terrible disease that leaves us in a lot of pain. We all hope that we will die peacefully at home surrounded by our love ones, but we don't really expect to. That doesn't seem to happen to the people around us very often. Especially when we are surrounded by images of violent deaths that are supposed to somehow entertain us.

But we often say that we are afraid of dying before we have been able to do everything we wanted to do with our life. There seems to be so many great opportunities out there that we would love to take part in. We want to travel all over the world. We want to become rich and famous. We want to reach the pinnacle of our favorite sport or hobby. We want to write a book. We want to live by the sea. We always want to live a life that is better than the one we have now, to obtain those things that we don't yet have.

Yet, there are so many of us who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We have no idea how to enjoy the things that we already have today. We don't know how to occupy ourselves with whatever surrounds us right now.
We don't appreciate the possibilities available even when we're "stuck at home".
We forget that life is what is going on right here, right now. If we don't know what to do with ourselves right now, then what kind of a future are we building? We're never going to do all those things we wanted to do before we die, unless we learn to take action to enjoy whatever surrounds us in the moment, no matter what the moment brings us.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009


"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

How much love do you really give yourself. Many of us are quick to point out all the things that are wrong with their body. We are too fat or too thin, or our legs are too short or our hands are too big. We worry about what the food we are eating will do to our bodies (because we beleive that it will make them worse in some way). We are never satisfied with our appearance. We even wear makeup as if our own features were inadequate by themselves.

We also are quick to point out what is wrong with our minds. We are too talkative or too quiet. We have all kinds of annoying habits. We are too shy or too aggressive. We are too fast or too slow. We are never good enough. We have such a hard time complementing other people because we never compliment ourselves. We don't know how to appreciate people.

If you don't love yourself, who can you love. You know yourself better than anyone else, so you should be able to find more reasons to love yourself than someone else you don't know very well. Nobody deserves your love more than you do. Nobody is as important to you as yourself. Give yourself at least as much love and affection as you give others. Treat yourself well. You deserve it.

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Monday, May 11, 2009


"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation."
Brian Tracy

Are you really grateful for everything around you? Most of us are so focused on what we don't have yet that we think we want, that we ignore all the wonderful blessings that are all around us. We never think to stop and smell the roses. It's almost as though just because we already have these enjoyable things in our lives makes them less desireable. But "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

Are you really grateful for everything that happens to you? Even the things you don't want to happen; the things that lead to results that you don't want, happen for your ultimate benefit. We are so focused on what results we want to get from the actions we take that we fail to consider that different results could still lead to something that is beneficial for us. A good example is when people get very serious illnesses that turn out to be a blessing in disquise because they learn about just how precious life is, and to learn to distinquish the things that really matter in life.

Every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. You can't always determine what is the best way to acheive what you really want or need, even if you actually know what it is that you really want or need. You have to trust that God, or some power greater than yourself, really knows what is best for you and what is the best way for you to get it. You have to keep taking those steps forward towards your goals, and trust that even if you don't succeed in getting what you wanted, you might still be on your way to something even better.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Sunday, May 10, 2009


"Success isn't permanent, and failure isn't fatal."
Mike Ditka

We want to beleive that the good things in life will go on forever. If something good is happening to us, then we hope it will continue. The flip side to that, however, is that if whatever happens to us will continue, that includes the bad things that happen to us too. We beleive that if things aren't going to change then not only our successes, but also our failures will stay with us.

But success isn't permanent. Things are always changing. Change is, in fact, the only thing we can really count on in the world. Our level of success is changing just like everything else. What used to work today might not work tomorrow. What people approve of today might not be the same tomorrow. Even your definition of success might not be the same tomorrow as it is today.

On the other hand, failure isn't fatal. Once again, things are always changing. If something didn't work today, it may work tomorrow. If people didn't approve of what you were doing or support you today, they might approve of and support you tomorrow with some different information.

There's no need to give up and quit because even though you failed today, you might very well succeed tomorrow with different information and circumstances. At the same time, however, even if you succeeded today, that is no reason to get cocky or to rest. Everything could change tomorrow so you need to be ready for that. It's always wise to have a Plan B, or even a Plan C.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, May 8, 2009


"The only thing even in this world are the number of hours in a day. The difference in winning or losing is what you do with those hours."
Woody Hayes

We are always complaining that there are never enough hours in the day. We never seem to have enough time to do all the things we want to do. The days go by so fast. Yet some people accomplish a great deal in a month where others have hardly got started. What is the difference here? They both had the same number of hours in a day.

The big difference is what those people chose to do with those hours. Some people are procrastinators. They don't do anything untill they are completely sure they know what to do, and they feel like doing it. So they wait... Some people haven't stopped to think about what they really want to accomplish in a month. They haven't set any goals. And since they don't know what they want to get done, they don't know what they need to do in order to get that. So they drift in circles, never really going anywhere.

People who accomplish a lot know exactly what they want to do and they have thought up a plan of how they intend to accomplish it. They don't procrastinate, but instead get started right away, even if they aren't completely sure of everything that needs to be done. They know that by taking action, they will learn what really needs to be done. People who get a lot done, also minimize or get rid of all their activities that are not related to their goal. They don't waste their time watching TV. They utilize their hours more efficiently and that is why they get more done.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns. I am thankful that thorns have roses.
Alphonse Karr

Do you grumble because roses have thorns? Do you grumble because you have to take your child to the doctor, or your dog to the vet? Do you grumble because traffic is slow? Do you grumble because you can't find a parking spot right where you want to be? Do you grumble because you don't like some aspect of your job? Do you grumble because your spouse hasn't picked up after himself? So many of us go around grumbling all day long.

We have some idea that our life should work perfectly, that roses should be without thorns, nobody should have to go to the doctor, traffic should be quick and there should be a parking spot right where we want it, our spouse should do what we want them to, and our work should be perfectly enjoyable. We resent the fact that this isn't true in our lives.

But we are looking at the wrong things. We are focusing on what we don't want, and that's why we get more of it. Complaining about everything that's going wrong prevents us from seeing all the things that are going right. We are not grateful for the blessings we have received in our life. We aren't grateful that thorns have roses. We aren't grateful that there is a doctor who can heal our child when they do get sick. We aren't grateful that we have a car that we can drive wherever we want when other people have to take the bus. We aren't grateful that there are places to park near wherever we're going. We're not grateful that we have a job, and a spouse, when other people have neither. And when we aren't grateful for the good things we already have in our life, we aren't likely to get much more of them.

Focus on the roses in your life, instead of on the thorns. Be grateful for the good things, so that you'll keep getting more of them, and stop grumbling because everything isn't perfect. The more you grumble and complain, the worse it will get. The more you are thankful, the better things will get.

For ideas about how to become truly successful, visit

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"Is it possible for the rose to say, 'I will give my fragrance to the good people who smell me, but I will withhold it from the bad?' Or is it possible for the lamp to say, 'I will give my light to the good people in this room, but I will withhold it from the evil people'? Or can a tree say, 'I'll give my shade to the good people who rest under me, but I will withhold it from the bad'? These are images of what love is about."
Anthony De Mello

We are all very quick to judge. We like fruit cake better than vanilla cake, and vanilla cake better than broccoli. We hate sushi. We love chocolate but we hate asparagus. We enjoy the sun but can't wait for the rain to be over. We appreciate the gift from Susie but not the one from John. The guy down the street has disgusting habits, but the woman next door is very endearing. In fact we go around judging and comparing everything around us all day every day.

All this judging and comparing does not show love. We are effectively stating that nothing has any value except when compared to something else. And some things have no value at all. But who are we to make a decision like that? Once again, our ego is getting in the way of our natural expression of love. The truth is that everything has intrinsic value; if it didn't it wouldn't exist. To a genuinely loving person, this is obvious.

God loves everything that God creates, and if we want to be like God, then we should to. We should never discriminate against people. Like the rose,the lamp, and the tree we should share our gifts with everyone regardless of what we think of them. Instead of looking for what is wrong with someone or something, try looking at what is right with that person or thing. Try to look at him/her/it through God's eyes. Search for what is loveable about them, and then show them it. That is how you really show love.

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009


"It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about."
Dale Carnegie

We are sure that it is our situation or our circumstances or our possessions that make us happy or unhappy. We think we are happy because we have a more expensive car than our neighbors. We think we are happy because we take longer and better holidays than our friends do. We think we are happy because we live by the sea and are able to go to the beach every day. We think we are happy because we have a good job. We think we are happy because other people admire us. These are the kinds of things that typically define our level of happiness.

But all these things have something in common. We can't really control them. Our money can be taken away, and with it our expensive car and wonderful vacations. We might get laid off from our job and have to move away from the seashore. We will almost certainly find people who disapprove of us. And then where will we be. Most of us will be left feeling terrible.

But we do have control over the real key to happiness. We can control our thoughts. Yes it is difficult but the rewards are huge. We may be a streetsweeper but if we focus on how useful our service is for others then we can be as happy in our job as someone with a prestigious job that has lost its meaning for him. We might even focus on how lucky we are that we have a job at all in this economy.
We may live in a poor neighborhood but be happy because we are glad that we have a house to live in and there is a park down the street for the children to play in.

Perhaps the most significant thing of all is that we don't have to rely on the opinions of other people about us to make us happy. We can realize that there will always be some people who think we're terrific and some who think we're pathetic and others in between. We can realize that how other people view us says much more about them than it does about us. We know how good we are. And that's all that matters.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Monday, May 4, 2009


"Be mindful of how you approach time. Watching the clock is not the same as watching the sun rise."
Sophia Bedford-Pierce

When we are watching the clock, we are anxious. We are wanting to get away from where we are right now, because we think that something better is in store for us. We are not satisfied with what is going on around us at the present moment. The other possibility is that we are watching the clock because we want to hold onto the present moment for as long as possible, because we are afraid of what might happen in the future.

When we are watching the sun rise, we are content. We are aware of our surroundings in the present moment, and are grateful for the beauty we see in the colors and shapes of the clouds. We may even be grateful for the new day, another day to learn, grow, and enjoy life. We are not interested in the clock, in how much time goes by before we return to doing something else. We are not interested in what has happened in the past, or in what should be done in the future. The present moment is all that matters.

How do you spend your time? Are you counting the hours to something; focusing on what is likely to be happening in the future, or on what you think you must get done by a certain time in order to be happy? Are you comparing the future and the past, either afraid that the future will be worse than the past or hoping it will be better? Or are you enjoying experiencing the beauty that surrounds you in the present moment, so that clocks and time are irrelevant. It is this second option that will make you happy, and the happier you are, the more successful you will be.

For ideas about how to be truly successful, visit

Saturday, May 2, 2009


"...focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it."
Greg Anderson

In our society, we are always running around, trying to get things done as fast as possible, so that we can get to the next thing and do that as fast as possible too. We have too many things to do and it seems like there is never enough time. Everything we do is a means to an end, and the sooner we get to that end the better. We are very impatient, and in many ways are like a society of ADD sufferers. We don't have the attention to devote to any one activity or idea for very long.

We set goals and focus on them. But the goals themselves, the outcomes, are not really important, except as an expression of what we really want. What is really important is the actions we take in order to work towards our goals. It turns out that we usually only get what we want when we relax and let go of our expectation that our activities will get a certain result. It is not the end result that we need to be focusing on. Instead, we need to focus on the journey.

Our true happiness is in doing an activity, not in finishing it. It lies in the creating of something special, not in the finished product. It lies in the excitement of seeing something improve and the anticipation of success. It lies in the joy of learning and growing by discovering how to do something, or how to do something better, that is meaningful to you. Focus on the journey instead of the destination because that is where joy is found. And a successful life is one in which there are many journeys, and any destination is never rested at for long.

For ideas about how to acheive true success, visit

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Eyes of Other People

"The eyes of other people are the eyes that ruin us. If all but myself were blind, I should want neither fine clothes, fine houses, nor fine furniture."
Benjamin Franklin

What would you want for yourself if nobody else was around to criticise or compare. We often behave like we care more about other people's opinions than we care about our own. How often have we denied what we really want because we think other people will disapprove? How often have we wanted to have something just so that we can impress others?

We learn from the time we are very small not to be "selfish". We learn to do as we are told, whether we understand it or agree with it. We are often even told what it is that we want, or should want. We learn that our purpose in life is to make other people happy by doing what they want us to do. We don't even know what it is that we really want for ourselves.

Imagine a life where other people's opinions of you didn't matter. Imagine a life where you could do what you wanted, and let others do what they wanted (assuming of course that nobody intentionally hurt others). Imagine a life where you didn't have to have fine clothes, fine houses, and fine furniture unless you really wanted them for yourself. It can happen. As Jack Canfield points out, you can start by honoring your own preferences in every situation, no matter how large or small. Decide what you want for you, not what everyone else wants for you. It will bring you much more happiness and fullfillment.

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