Sunday, March 28, 2010


Most people don't know there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep and miss your life.
B. Andreas

Many of us don't know that there are any angels around. We think that's a fairy story. But there is getting to be more and more evidence that they do exist. You can always choose not to beleive the stories from people who see angels and have miracles happen in their life, or those who claim to know about life after death; but personally I like the idea of there being angels there to help me deal with my life. Belief in anything, including angels, is a choice you make.

But angels are not just there to help you out with the difficulties in your life. They are also there to make sure you learn and grow in this life. We all have a tendency to want things in our lives to go smoothly and give us what we want all the time. We don't want to make an effort or spend any money if it can be avoided at all. We don't want to get out of our comfort zone. But all the learning and growing that we are meant to do does not occur within our comfort zone. We have to get out there and take risks, make huge efforts, and often spend lots of money before we get out of life what we need to get out of it.

We always grumble about the rain that falls on our parade, and, these days, the computer that suddenly has a glitch and erases about 3 hours of our typing. We say that these things are meant to try us. But they are not meant to try us as much as they are meant to encourage our growth and learning. They are meant to keep us awake and aware, to learn effective ways to deal with problems. We simply can't learn and grow with out problems in our lives to solve. So we need angels to provide us with those problems that we don't want in order to keep us on the path to becoming better, more mature and knowledgable, people.

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