Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Cry

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.
Dr Suess

How many times have we wept over what is no longer available. For the lover who left us. For the beautiful building that was torn down to make a parking lot. For the old tree that was chopped down. For the treasure we lost and now can't find. The truth is that life is always changing and any one thing can't remain available for your enjoyment forever. And that is a good thing because if it did you would never get to experience anything new.

Change is what makes life interesting and exciting. But just as new things come into our life that we love, the old ones have to go in order to make room for them. Just because something you enjoyed is now gone does not mean at all that there will be nothing else come along that you will enjoy just as much. It just means that it will be different. We run into problems because we get attached to one particular thing so much that we begin to see it as part of ourself, as part of our life story. Then we fear its loss because that would be like losing a part of ourself.

Instead of crying because what you love is no longer available, try shifting your attitude. Smile because you got to enjoy it for whatever period it was around. And because you know that there will be other and perhaps even greater joys coming into your life in the future. Trust that God is looking after you and will continue to bring blessings into your life for as long as you appreciate the ones you still have. Be grateful for all the wonderful things that you have had the privilege of experiencing over your lifetime. And don't forget to be grateful for those still to come.

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