Wednesday, March 3, 2010


People who want the most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most.
Wayne Dyer

This begs the question "Why do other people approve of you?" Our Ego will tell us that we have the approval of other people because of the possessions and social prestige we own. We work hard to get the approval of other people, usually by trying to do whatever they want us to do. We think that the only way to get approval is to be the person that other people want or expect us to be.

I think the real truth is that other people approve of you because you have something they don't. They don't really want you to be a copy of themselves, as much as they might tell you that. They want to see something more in you. They want to see authenticity. There are universal qualities that everyone approves of, such as kindness, thoughtfullness, empathy etc. These happen to be the very qualities that we all innately possess although they are often masked by the negativity we are trained into.

People who want the most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most. Those people who want approval from other people are the people who are not sure who they really are and are waiting for other people to tell them that they are good enough. Those people who don't need approval are the people who know who they are and are not afraid to let it show. And because they are being authentic, they are the ones who get all the approval.

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