Sunday, March 14, 2010


Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time
Barack Obama

Are you waiting for change? The problem with waiting for change is that although it will inevitably come, it probably won't be the change you want. There is often a window of opportunity to get a particular change made, and we know that if we wait too long the window has closed. Of course, God will probably open a door somewhere later on but the result won't be quite the same, perhaps not quite as good as the first one. If you wait for a better time to do something, that better time may never come. We don't know and we can't afford to find out.

We often wait for some other person to make the changes happen that we want. Someone more charismatic, a better leader, perhaps more intelligent and/or more technically skilled. But it may take a very long time to find such a person who also wants the same changes that we do. It may never happen. We don't know, and we can't afford to wait to find out. If we want something done, we can't rely on someone else to do it, especially if we haven't even identified who that person is yet.

Change will not come if we wait for some other person, who might never show up, or some other time. If we really want change, we must do it ourselves, or at least get the ball rolling; and we must do it now. Tomorrow may be too late. We can't rely on circumstances changing the way we want them to unless we take action right now to make sure they do. If you wait for some other person or some other time, the Universe will see that you are not serious about the change you want to make. And it will not be serious about making that change come about

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