Friday, March 12, 2010


We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
C. G. Jung

It is hard to accept the things we don't like. We just don't want it there, even for a short time. We want change and we want it yesterday. We simply don't want to tolerate this thing for what it is. We focus on all the reasons why we don't like this thing, and why it needs to change. We are so busy hating what is there now that we don't consider what we would prefer to have there instead. All we really think about is not having this thing that we have condemned.

But condemnation does not liberate. Focusing on what we don't want is not going to free us from it. Impatience is not going to make things happen any faster. Instead we get stuck because thinking about something only draws it to us, especially if we feel strongly about it too. The more we hate something and wish it would go away, the more we are attracting it to us. And the more impatient we are for improvement, the less we will be open to those opportunities we have on an ongoing basis to make things better. Condemnation oppresses.

We cannot change anything until we accept it. We have to appreciate that those things that annoy us are there for a reason. They are there to strengthen our character, to help us learn and grow, and help us clarify what we want. It is only when we accept what is that we can use that to determine what we want instead; and when we focus on what we want instead, that is what we will get. Change comes when we focus on and expect to get something we want. It comes not when we condemn but when we are accept what is and are grateful for it because it helps us to determine what it is that we really want.

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