Monday, March 29, 2010


When the vision on the inside is more compelling and powerful than what you observe on the outside...The universe is at your command
James Ray

Our sense of sight is extremely compelling and powerful. One fully appreciates that when it fails to function properly and we do not see things as they are; which fortunately never happens to most of us. Most of the information we receive about the outside world comes from our sense of sight and we rely very much on it. But that information, or the way interpret it, can be simply wrong, as we see in visual illusions. In truth what we see depends on what we expect to see. Witnesses to a crime can easily be made to beleive they saw something that never happened.

Most of us do not have a vision of what we want to happen, as much as a vision of what we expect to happen. And what we expect to happen is based on what we have seen happen. We assume that what has already happened will happen again, and that we have no control over that. Some of us don't have a picture of what we want because we are afraid of the frustration we will feel when we don't get what we want, because we secretly beleive it will never happen. So of course it never does.

When the vision on the inside is more compelling and powerful than what you observe on the outside...The universe is at your command. We need to fully understand that what we see is what we expect to see, that what other people see is irrelevant to that, and that we do have a lot of control over what we expect to see. We can always choose to expect to see the outcome we want. The hard part is maintaining that expectation even when everything you see going on around you seems to discourage your positive outcome from happening. It takes love, faith, and trust, in both yourself and in the Universe. But the rewards are incredible.

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