Saturday, March 6, 2010


Don't frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile
SinVyeSt Tan

The truth is that we can be amazingly ignorant about what other people think of us. Most of the time, people don't tell you what they think of you. They might hide it because they are afraid you don't feel the same way about them and that will become obvious, or sometimes they might hide it in order not to hurt your feelings. And then all of a sudden our best friend leaves us, or we accidently discover we had a fan we never knew we had.

It is built into our culture and into our natures to be negative. It is easier for us to notice, and discuss, what is bad than to notice what is good. We are essentially taught from an early age that we are victims, that we have to do what other people want or what circumstances dictate no matter how unpleasant it is for us; which certainly doesn't promote being positive or cheerful.

But don't frown because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. No matter how bad you feel, there is always someone out there who feels worse and who really needs you to cheer them up. No matter how incompetant you think you are, there is always someone out there who thinks you're clever at what you do because they can't do it. There is always someone out there who is falling in love with your smile. You just need to go out and find them. And then you'll have a real reason to smile.

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