Saturday, March 27, 2010


Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

It seems from definitions of luck that it is an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, to create a favorable or unfavorable outcome. I think the truth is that so many of the things that happen to us in life are a complete surprise. We never expected them to happen. We didn't plan on them. And whether they make our lives better or worse seems completely random. And eventually we learn that life is something beyond our control, that what happens has nothing to do with what we are doing. This is where we learn fear and depression.

But life is not just random. We can influence the future even if we cannot control it. It all depends on our beleifs and attitudes. The first thing we need to do is to be aware of what we want. The second is to be aware of what is happening around us. We need to look for clues as to what may happen in the future. This sounds obvious but we are so often caught up in our ideas of what we want to happen that we ignore what is actually happening. If we don't know what situations are developing we can't influence them to change their course by changing our own actions towards them.

Life is full of opportunities. We tend to not notice them because we have a pre-conceived idea of what is supposed to happen in the future in order to make us happy. We are so busy looking for our pre-concieved way to get what we want that we fail to see other ways to acheive it or even to just maintain a positive environment that will make it easier to acheive. We will never be lucky unless we can see all the other possibilities for change, and especially improving the situation, that are all around us

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. When we are prepared by knowing what we want and being open to different possibilities for acheiving that, and also being aware of what is going on around us and where it is likely to lead; then when an opportunity does show itself, we will see it as an opportunity and know what to do about it. We will have the power to influence things to turn out just the way we wanted, because we will be doing the right things to acheive that. We will get lucky.

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