Thursday, March 4, 2010


Conflict cannot survive without your participation.
Wayne Dyer

Whether we realize it or not, most of us run around all day long in a constant state of conflict. Conflict between our own desires and someone else's. Conflict between what we think we can do and what we think other people can (or should) do. And conflict between what we want and what we think we can acheive. We are even at conflict with our environment, being angry that it rained when we wanted sunshine, for example.

All our conflict comes down to resisting what life has given us because we think that we should have got something more to our liking. That we somehow deserve more than what we got. We go around with a pre-conceived plan of what will make us happy or successful or fulfilled, as though we are the best judges of that. As though we know what should happen in order for us to learn and grow and be happy, to get the most out of our life.

Conflict cannot survive without our own participation. Ultimately all this conflict just makes us miserable. It stops us from appreciating all the good things that life sends us, all the blessings around us. It stops us from seeing new ideas and opportunities. We don't have to take part in it however. The moment we can learn to love whatever is happening in our life, knowing that even those things that seem like disasters are actually sent to help us grow, we are free of conflict. And when we are free of conflict, we are free of failure and can't lose. We are free to enjoy our lives.

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