Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We've got the most prosperous culture in human history and we've also got the biggest spiritual hole in human history.
Mark Victor Hansen

More and more people in today's society don't beleive in God. Or at least the traditional version of God. Somehow conventional religion just seems irrelevant in a modern world. In the past, people depended on their Gods to bring rains and a good crop. Now we have some technological way to do things like that. We rely on science now the same way people in the past depended on God to help them solve problems and make sure their lives went well.

And our science has worked very well for us. We have luxuries now our ancestors could only dream of. We have machines to do our work for us, more efficiently than we could ever do by ourselves. But we have an inborn neurological part of us that needs to beleive in a God. We need to beleive that something bigger, and especially wiser, than we are is running the show; and that we can influence it to act in our best interests.

We've got the most prosperous culture in human history and we've also got the biggest spiritual hole in human history. It is actually hard to be spiritual when you have all the comforts you need. We get stuck in a comfort zone. We forget that we are meant to be learning and growing and improving all the time, and that the best way to do that is through adversity.

It is difficult to remember that God is here to help us when we don't need any help because we have invented a machine that can do it. It's difficult to remember that God is running the show. It takes a great disaster (hurricane, earthquake etc) to remind us that we don't have complete control over our world. But this is what we need to know. We need to know that we need God to help us be our best. And to be grateful that God is always here to do just that.

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