Friday, April 2, 2010


It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving. John Wesley

We've probably all had the experience of having been given something without love. Often it is given with strings attached- "Because I've given you this, I expect you to give something equally valuable (in my eyes) back to me". That is really an exchange and not a gift. And it does not feel good because it is about reciprocation and not love. It has demands attached and leaves us feeling resentful and guilty. We almost feel taken advantage of.

But it is impossible to love without giving. At the very least, whenever we love something we want to make it happy. We want it to be beautiful and fulfilled and to reach its potential. This is true whether we are talking about a person, a flower, or our house. We want to give ourselves to it, even if there is no hope of us getting anything in return. All we ask for is to see it at its best, and we will do whatever we can to ensure that. That is the true measure of being in love.

You can only be truly motivated to give when you are loving. This is why there can never be too much love in your life. The more you love, the better your world will be. Only when everything is loved, by many people, can we enjoy a world where everything is beautiful, fulfilled, and at its full potential. Only then can we see our world at its best.

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