Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Do just once what others say you can't do, and you will never pay attention to their limitations again
Arthur C. Clarke

You've probably had many people tell you what you can't do over the course of your life? Often when people say that, what they are really saying is that they can't do it. Sometimes they are saying that they might be jealous of you if you could do it and they don't want to find that out. They are afraid of how they might feel if you succeed where they couldn't. Sometimes they really beleive that it is impossible for anyone to do.

We learn as babies that other people know more about what we can do than we do. If our mother says that we can't do something, well it must be the truth because we beleive she knows us better than anyone, even ourselves. We take her words as gospel. And when other people agree with her, that idea gets reinforced even further. And we end up proving to ourselves that she was right. We end up not being able to do that thing. We end up thinking it is impossible for us.

But if we just once what others say we can't do, we will never pay attention to their limitations again. It's time for us to prove to ourselves than we are capable of much more than we thought we were. Much more than all those other authorities thought we were. Some people hear another person say that something is impossible and take that as a challenge. That's a good attitude. Because in reality other people don't know what is impossible any more than we do. They, like us, only think something is impossible because someone else has told them that and they never questioned it. Start challenging your limitations today.

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