Saturday, April 3, 2010


Trust in what you love, continue to do it, and it will take you where you need to go.
Natalie Goldberg

Sometimes it is hard to trust in what we love. We learn early in life that other people know best about what is good for us. We We learn we have to obey our parents and other authority figures; welearn to do what they say instead what we know is right in our hearts. Our father for example might want us to become a lawyer like he was when we really want to become a nurse; and we go to law school just to please him. But in the end, we must do what we love. We must listen to our own hearts and follow our own path, if we are going to be happy with our lives.

We must continue to do what we love, no matter how many people, even those close to us, disagree with it. Even when it seems like we will never be able to make enough money to live on while doing it. Sometimes its easy to get discouraged and quit. Life keeps throwing obstacles at you in order to find out just how serious you are about doing this thing. Perseverence may be the single biggest component of success.
Be aware of and celebrate small successes. And never stop trying.

Doing what you love will take you where you need to go, as long as you never give up. Always look for opportunities to find your way into something you love to do even more. Sometimes the road to success will have many twists and turns and even dead-ends, but with practise, you will get better at recognizing which road to take and where the dead ends are. Always be flexible enough to be open to new possibilities of something even better, but be realistic enough to know when something just isn't working. And never stop trusting in what you love.

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