Friday, April 9, 2010

Only 3 Colors

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that's important.
Jim Rohn

Isn't it amazing just how many colors we find in nature that are made out of only 3 primary colors? And how many man-made colors there are. The range of colors we can create is limited only by our imagination. Even the number of reds that we have created for lipstick is staggering. And it is the same with 7 notes that turn into an enormous variety of music; and 10 digits and 26 letters which when combined give us most of our information about the world.

It is what we do with these colors and notes and digits and letters that is important. We can take them and enjoy them just at their face value or we can improvise on them. We can build on them to create something just a little better for our purposes right now. If we keep doing that we soon have a huge number of choices, which inspire many more possible uses for them, for the future.

We don't have to be limited to what is already there. With just our intuition, inventiveness, and a few creative twists, we can soon have something completely new and much more suited to our purposes. And we can also take what we just created and figure out a new and better purpose for it. How can you improve upon what is already in your world to make it much more useful to you? How can you take what you already have and make it into something that gives you more options, more opportunities to do what you want to do? Remember that it's what you do with what you are given that makes all the difference.

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