Tuesday, April 20, 2010


To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable
Helen Keller

We tend to be very scared of change, wanting things to remain in their comfortable, familiar state forever. We tell ourselves that if something acts in a certain way, then it will probably continue to do so. But this is just not true. In real life, change is inevitable, whether we want it or not. The only thing that won't change is that everyone at some time has to die. So, if we want to be happy or successful in our lives, it is imperative that we learn to expect, and deal with, change.

In order to deal most effectively with change, we can't let ourselves get too attached to what is already there. Whether we like or don't like what we have now, we tend to make it part of our sense of who we are. Even if we don't like it, then to become seperated from it is to feel a sense of grief or anger, because it feels like we have lost a part of ourselves. And if we do like it, well we all know the feeling of devastation when something we loved is now no longer there. It helps to realize that if we don't like something, it too will change soon.

We can't avoid change, so we might as well accept it. To look for change and ignore the idea of fate is an undefeatable strength. When we expect change we actively look for it, and when we are actively looking, we find new opportunities and new ways to get what we want. We are free of anxiety and grief because we knew things weren't going to stay around forever anyway. Life is so much more enjoyable when we aren't afraid of change.

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