Thursday, April 29, 2010


You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life
Winston Churchill

We all think that it's a bad thing to have enemies. We can't stand the idea that someone doesn't like us, doesn't approve of us. Some of us are so desperate for approval that we will do whatever anyone tells us to do in the vain hope that we will be liked by everyone. Which, of course backfires because almost nobody respects or likes someone who does whatever they say. But who wants an enemy. They may hurt us, they may destroy us. Or worst of all, they could laugh at us and their laughter could kill us inside.

But having enemies is not really a bad thing. The truth is that whatever we say and do, there will be someone somewhere who doesn't like it, and disapproves of us for doing it. Because we all have our own different view of the world, and what is a wonderful idea or action for one person will be a disaster to someone else. We cannot possibly be liked by everyone, or approved of by everyone, no matter what we do. The sooner we realize this, the better

The only people who have no enemies are those who have never had their own ideas, and their own values, have never spoken up and told others about what they really beleive in. Those who have never taken action towards a goal they value for fear that it might offend someone. Those people are the ones who are not really living. You don't want to be like them. You want enemies. It means that you've stood up for something sometime in your life; and that means you are really living.

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