Saturday, April 10, 2010


There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you. David Burns

How often do you fall into the trap of expecting someone else to make you happy? We want our kids to behave and "make mommy proud". We want our spouse to go out with us more often. We want our employer to give us better work. We want the government to give us better roads (for ex) without taxing us more. And we get angry and irritated and upset with those people who fail to give us what we think will make us happy.

But expecting someone else to make you happy is just another way to be a victim. You are effectively letting someone else control your life. You are expecting them to know what you want (and some of us don't even clearly state what it is we want) and then give you it. And then you are punishing them if they don't. You get mad at them for having that (imagined) power to make you happy or sad. That really isn't their power, or their responsibility. And it isn't fair to them to have you upset with them over something they really have no control over.

There is only one person who could ever make you happy, and that person is you. It is all up to you; it is your own responsibility to keep yourself happy. You are not a victim. You can take action to make yourself happy. First of all you need to know what it is that will make you happy, and communicate that clearly to the people around you. And then you need to find a path to that, steps you can take yourself. You can't rely on others. They are, after all, trying to find a way to do whatever will make themselves happy. That really is all that any of us can do.

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