Monday, April 12, 2010


Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.
C. T. Boon

My daughter yesterday was complaining that something just didn't make sense. I told her that life often doesn't. Great disasters like hurricanes and tornados don't make sense. She said "yes they do there's a scientific reason why they happen." So I said "Yes and there is probably a 'scientific reason' why your issue happened too, except that you just don't know what it is." It's only because we don't understand why something is happening that it doesn't make sense to us. It might make perfect sense to someone else, and it always makes perfect sense to God.

We almost always complain when there is a experience or person in our lives that we don't like. We want the situation to be resolved fast, and the person to just go away. We only want to be surrounded by things, people, and situations that we enjoy. But life doesn't work like that. All those unpleasant situations, and ugly things, and annoying people are actually in your life for a reason, and one that benefits you. They help you clarify what you want, at the very least. And it may not make any sense to you why they are there but that is because you don't know how the future will unfold.

We say that hindsight is always perfect. It is often easy to see why you had to put up with someone or some situation in the past because now you can see how it actually helped you get something you wanted later. "Every cloud has a silver lining" Every experience God gives us and every person God puts in our lives, prepares us perfectly for the future that only God can see. Love everything that happens to you because it is all meant for your own growth and improvement. It was sent by a kind and loving God, and even if you don't understand why it is there, you can be sure it is meant to be good for you in some way.

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