Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Determination and perseverance move the world; thinking that others will do it for you is a sure way to fail.
Marva Collins

We so often hope that someone else will make our dreams come true. We wait for our Prince Charming to come and magically slay all our dragons so that we will happily live ever after. But that is something that only happens in fairy tales. We hope that our boss will give us the promotion we want. But unless we do something to influence that, he probably won't. And it is only the lonely people who sit and hope that some wonderful person will come up to them and ask to be their friend. We certainly can't count on that ever happening.

Determination and perseverance move the world. Instead of waiting for our Prince Charming to come, we need to learn how to slay all our own dragons. Instead of hoping our boss will give us that promotion, we need to actively show him why we deserve to be promoted by being the best possible employee. Instead of sitting and hoping that some wonderful person will come up to us and ask to be our freind, we need to actively search out that wonderful person and ask them to be our friend.

A successful person is a self-reliant person. While it is certainly true that nobody can be successful all by himself, a successful person doesn't just expect other people to help him. He actively gives them a good reason why that is to their benefit. He has a clear goal, determination, and perseverence. He knows where he is going and why, and that he expects to get there, and he can communicate all that to others. Other people admire his determination and perseverence so they start to beleive in his goal and want to help him get there. But he never expects other people to just do it for him. He can do most of it himself.

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