Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
Bernice Johnson Reagon

Do you get paralyzed by life's challenges. Perhaps you look at the challenges other people face and worry about what you would do if they happened to you. Perhaps you are struggling to deal with your own challenges. Life is constantly handing us challenges. Everyone is faced with different kinds of challenges. God always gives us one that God thinks we can deal with, but sometimes we aren't so sure. Sometimes we get overwhelmed by them and just can't see the solution which is right in front of us.

But life's challenges aren't supposed to paralyze you. Being frozen, overwhelmed, and paralyzed is obviously not a good situation. Life's challenges are supposed to motivate you to act. They are supposed to get you to learn how to figure out solutions; and gain the self confidence that you can deal with whatever challenges arise. To banish fear, and even to strengthen and refine your character

Life's challenges are supposed to help you discover who you are. One way they do that is to force you to prioritize what is important to you about the situation. What bothers you the most about it and what do you want to see fixed first. And how much you are willing to work, or even sacrifice, to fix that. Challenges also help you discover that you are more capable than you thought you were. You will never know how much you can do until you have to do it. Never complain that life is challenging. Be grateful for challenges because all of them are actually good for you, sent to you by a kind and loving God who only wants to see you grow and mature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You seem to have wells full of knowledge on the topic of getting your life together, and then some. I trust you're able to focus on your own issues, and get off of the thought of getting yourself a "safe,secure" $10 to $15 dollar per hour J.o.b!

Find your passion, and getter' done!

P.S. You can do it :)