Wednesday, April 21, 2010


You already have every characteristic necessary for success if you recognize, claim, develop and use them
Zig Ziglar

Do you know what your strengths are? When an acquaintance of mine was asked to list 7 strengths that she had, she couldn't do it. She just couldn't even think of 7. But then on top of that she said that she wasn't comfortable with expressing the ones she could come up with in public. That's a sad state of affairs but I can relate to it. Most of us are just not brought up to tell everyone how wonderful we really are. It is time now to recognize and claim all our unique and special strengths. And to feel free to announce them to the world.

Once we have recognized and claimed our strengths we must develop them. Many of us concentrate on trying to lessen our weaknesses but it is really improving our strengths that we must focus on. The more we increase our strengths the less our weaknesses will matter to anyone. We constantly need to update our skills. Successful people are constantly reading and learning new skills and new methods in order to keep up to date with a changing world. Even if we say we have no skills now, there is nothing to stop us from acquiring any skill we will need in the future, except our own imagination.

Finally the last step is to actually use your personal strengths, and the skills you have been acquiring. Knowledge is wasted unless it is acted upon. Muscles grow weak if they are not consistently used. Each of us needs to determine the best place we can practise using our strengths and skills. We need to create a vision of where we can use them that will benefit the most people in the best possible way. And then just go out and do it. You already have every characteristic necessary for success if you recognize, claim, develop and use them. There is nothing to stop you now from acheiving anything you want.

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