Thursday, April 8, 2010


In wisdom gathered over time I have found that every experience is a form of exploration.
Ansel Adams

I love exploring. There is not much that excites me more than the idea of an open road leading off into the distance. It is fun to find out what awaits me off in the distance. I would say that the definition of fun is to find out that you can do or be more than you thought you could. With that definition, exploring is probably the best way to have fun because it almost always leads to surprises that teach you about yourself in some way.

But you don't need an open road to go exploring on. For some people, looking for something in the garage is an exploration as they clear through their clutter. When we read a novel, we are exploring another person's world. Those of us who are parents are constantly exploring our children's personality and needs. When we start a job we are exploring what that job requires of us and how to meet its demands most effectively. When we fall in love, we are exploring the other person's strengths and character.

Every experience is a form of exploration. In everything we do, we explore who we really are. We explore what works for us and what doesn't. We explore what happens when we do things a certain way, or even when other people do things a certain way. We are constantly exploring how we can improve either ourselves or at least the situation. But often we don't appreciate this and get impatient when things don't work right the first time. We don't see our experiences as exploration, adventure, and fun. They start to get annoying. But this just makes things worse. Celebrate your experiences of exploration. One could say that life itself is a form of exploration. That's what makes it fun.

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