Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success
Napoleon Hill

In order to be successful you must have patience. In our society we are taught that we should be able to get anything very quickly; immeadiately if not sooner. But life doesn't work like that. We need to understand that the things we want will come to us in their own good time, not according to when we want them. Just because something doesn't come tomorrow doesn't mean it will never come. The Universe has perfect timing and knows better than we do when to give us this thing -- at the moment that we will be able to enjoy and profit from it the most.

In order to be successful you must have persistance. You must not give up, no matter how long what you want seems to be taking to show up in your life. Whatever it is will come at the time that you will benefit from it the most; but if you are not still working towards it then it definately isn't a time when you will really benefit from it. You need to show the Universe that you still want this thing enough to be willing to work for it, because if you don't really want it that badly now then now is not the time for you to get it.

In order to be successful, you must have perspiration. You must work hard, again as a way to show the Universe that you really are serious about having this thing. Your choices and sacrifices will show you, others, and the Universe just how much you really want this thing. If you are not willing to work hard and/or make any sacrifices in order to get this thing then it isn't very important to you. You would rather have something else, whether it is security, vacation, idle entertainment, or time with family and friends, and that is what you will get.

Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. They build on each other too. It is much easier to work long and hard if you have the patience to wait for something because you know that it is coming. Probably the biggest difficulty for most of us is having the faith that if we just keep working then what we want will inevitably come eventually. Once we have that faith that leads to patience, persistence, and perspiration, anything is possible.

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